MoPOP Founders Award 2020 Alice In Chains

Every couple of decades, an artist or band comes along that surpasses the expectations of not only the fans they play for, but the artists themselves. Recently a band that sits in this category was celebrated with an award: The MoPOP Founders Award 2020. The Museum of Pop Culture presents a one-night-only event to help raise donations. It’s non-profit and serves youth culture, community engagement and world class exhibitions.

This year’s recipient was Alice In Chains, a band among the top of their genre from the early 90s. The band came up with a large batch of rock bands from Seattle, with a type of sound that became labelled Alternative music. The term does not really mean anything, except the press and record labels seem to need it more than any artist who they label with this term. In short, Alice In Chains is a ROCK band, simple. The kind of band who wrote, and still write, full embodied rock songs. In the span of their career, the band has been through every type of emotion you can imagine; the highs, the lows, and even loss. Not many bands or individuals could go through the journey this band has been on and still continue writing, performing and being functioning musicians.

The list of artists who performed at this event, coming together to celebrate the decades of Alice In Chains’ existence, and continuing today, is astounding. The video link below shows over two hours of streamed footage. The event took place December 1, 2020 and the performances were performed live. This presentation will easily live on for decades on its own. Among the assembled performers, some will be familiar, some will be new faces for you to explore. If there was ever a streamed concert that should be released as a soundtrack, this is it. MoPOP is a necessity to the arts and anything to do with pop culture. You can help support them with donations, by clicking the link here. Enjoy the video.

MoPOP Founders Award 2020 Honoring Alice In Chains – YouTube