
Revolution 2 Evolution

There is a sound that came out of an area just outside of Palm Springs. The desert sound is what modern language would label it. The 90’s were a time of birth and revolution for this sound. No rules, no specific style or dress code, it was come one, come all. Similar to the original punk rock era before the mainstream press and music industries took hold of it. The desert sound was a form of release,  artistically, in the desert. We are speaking of music here but it was more the entire spectrum of what we call art. All generations, backgrounds and social backgrounds joining together in the middle of desert lands.  Combined with skate culture and explosive music it became a type of music of its  gender . Many call it different names including fuzz. Initially a type of music being played on any given night, in the middle of a desert, with electric instruments powered by a generator. No one for miles except of wild bunch making music, collaborating, celebrating this time on the planet. The music eventually evolved into making is way into society, almost by accident. I think it was a good and bad. The music and the movement was of its own, almost society. Simply content in the desert making music. The mass amount of bands that came out of the desert sounds and came into main stages worldwide are very underrated .  The creative musicianship and the sense of making music that intersects with art, really illustrates the true sense of the word ART.

A great place to start is the YouTube trailer for Lo Sound Desert.